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51、基础设施建设 infrastructure development
52、西气东输 the project for shipping natural gas from west to east
53、南水北调工程 the South-to-North Water Diversion Project
54、惠民工程 a project for the benefit of the people
55、治理水土流失 bring soil erosion under control
56、单位国内生产总值能耗 energy consumption per unit of GDP
57、化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand (COD)
58、二氧化硫排放量 sulfur dioxide emissions
59、控制温室气体排放 control greenhouse gas emissions
60、灾害防御能力 disaster prevention and protection capabilities
61、区域协调发展 balance development between regions
62、产业转移 industries relocated from other parts of the country
63、有利于科学发展的体制机制 institutions and mechanisms conducive to developing scientifically
64、消除体制障碍 remove institutional obstacles
65、提高对外开放水平 open wider to the outside world
66、增值税转型 VAT (value-added tax) reform
67、成品油价格 refined oil products
68、股份制改革 introduce the joint stock system
69、跨境贸易人民币结算 use the renminbi as the settlement currency for cross-border trade
70、创业板 the ChiNext stock market
71、自主创新企业 enterprises based on independent innovation
72、集体林权制度改革 the reform of tenure in collective forests
73、土地家庭承包 the household land contract responsibility system
74、稳定外需的政策措施 policies and measures to stabilize foreign demand
75、采取符合国际惯例的方式 adopt methods that conform to international practices
76、短期出口信用保险 short-term export credit insurance
77、大型成套设备 complete sets of large equipment
78、出口融资保险 export financing insurance
79、进出口降幅收窄 falls in imports and exports have eased
80、巩固国际市场份额 consolidate our share of international markets
81、企业“走出去”逆势上扬 more enterprises "went global" in spite of the adverse situation
82、对外直接投资 outward direct investment
83、对外工程承包 overseas project contracting operations
84、国际宏观经济政策对话协调 international macroeconomic policy dialogue and coordination
85、改善民生 improve people's wellbeing
86、人民群众最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题 the most practical problems of the greatest and most direct concern to the people
87、强化政府促进就业的责任 increase the responsibility of the government for stimulating employment
88、就业专项资金 special employment funds
89、缓缴社会保险费 postpone payment of social security contributions
90、再就业税收减免 reduce or exempt reemployment tax
91、公益性就业岗位 public-service jobs
92、鼓励高校毕业生到基层就业 encourage college graduates to take jobs at the primary level
93、养老保险统筹制度 pension planning system
94、养老保险关系转移接续 transfer pension accounts
95、新型农村社会养老保险试点 a pilot project for a new rural pension insurance system
96、企业退休人员基本养老金 pensions for enterprise retirees
97、各类保障性住房 low-income housing units of various types
98、棚户区改造 renovate housing units in run-down areas
99、社会保障基金 social security funds
100、促进教育公平 make education more equitable
  点击: 898 次,评论: 0 次 提交日期: 2011/10/13  
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